techno-geeks is an attempt to provide a wide range of learning materials backed with online practice tests pertaining to software development and testing domain. With a team of highly skilled and seasoned professionals, we're striving to provide a multitude of information and tutorials of great value to our audience. Our focus is to target the audience belonging to high school scholars, software testing professionals, software development professionals, IT professionals with managerial hold, and all sorts of individuals associated with software development phases in some way or the other.
Jayesh - the owner, author, and developer of this platform, has a flair for technology and wanted to provide one-stop solutions to all the academics, professional and technical needs under a single umbrella.
Jayesh resides in Pune city of Maharashtra state. He currently oversees development and testing operations as an SDET under his current professional capacity. Jayesh completed his bachelor's way back in 2006 and has more than a decade-long career in the software development industry.
Jayesh also has a strong academic background and he is committed to providing academic solutions, materials, tutorials, and online MCQ-based tests to high school scholars and management students.