No significant personal identifiable informations are being asked from the users who are visiting our website. The users are free to share their feedback
through our 'contact us' page with minimal personal info like name and email, that too are non mandatory.
Name and email are the only fields which if filled by user, helps us know who our users are and facilitate us in engaging with them and responding to their queries.
Neither we use cookies nor we share name and email to any third party. User can disable the cookie and still enjoy the contents
of this site with ease.
Currently we do not have Ad Sense activated on our site which may tend to update this privacy policy in future.
We'll keep updating this privacy policy as we grow as a learning platform and will apply appropriate security checks if any data processing
activity is needed.

Any act of re-publishing, re-distribution of the content under other name and domain for commercial purpose will be treated as violation of copy right.