MCQ test on CAGR calculation | Aptitude MCQ quiz - CAGR

Basic MCQs (Multiple choice questions) test on the calculation of compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

MCQ test- CAGR

Topic- CAGR calculation

The test consists of 10 questions.

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The pass percentage is 70%

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Complexity Level- Easy

Q1: The initial investment of $50000 becomes $90000 in 15 years. What is the CAGR of this investment?

Q2: The initial investment of $10000 becomes $60000 in 4 years. What is the CAGR of this investment?

Q3: The initial investment of $4000 becomes $8000 in 5 years. What is the CAGR of this investment?

Q4: The initial investment of $5000 becomes $10000 in 8 years. What is the CAGR of this investment?

Q5: What is the CAGR, if in a span of 10 years, an investment of $6000 become $14000?

Q6: The initial investment of $40000 becomes $60000 in 36 months. What is the CAGR of this investment?

Q7: The initial investment of $2000 becomes $8000 in 48 months. What is the CAGR of this investment?

Q8: What is the CAGR, if a person gets $90000 after 72 months with an investment of $45000?

Q9:An investment of $3400 becomes $4400 in 8 years. What is the CAGR?

Q10: An investment of $1400 becomes $2900 in 48 months. What is the CAGR?


CAGR Calculator
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