Adjective Quiz

12 MCQ quiz questions on Adjectives for class 9th and 10th students. This quizlet is designed to evaluate your knowledge of English grammar adjectives.


Topic- Adjectives

The test consists of 12 questions.

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No Time limit

The pass percentage is 70%

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Complexity Level- Easy

Q1: Select the adjective in the below sentence:

Sarah is a very beautiful girl.

Q2: Select the adjective in the below sentence:

Peter has created an amazing portrait.

Q3: Select the adjective in the below sentence:

That was a very bad route that we had taken last night while driving back home.

Q4: Select the adjective in the below sentence:

That outlet serves wonderful pizzas.

Q5: The following sentence is an example of:

Peter's note is longer than Sarah's.

Q6: Which of the following sentences represents a superlative adjective?

Q7: The following sentence is an example of ______:

The mangoes were sweet and juicy.

Q8: Select the type of adjective in the given sentence:

She is dead.

Q9: Select the type of adjective in the given sentence:

The meal was delicious and healthy.

Q10: Select the type of adjective in the given sentence:

The road was bumpy and rough.

Q11: Select the type of adjective in the given sentence:

Alice was the least charming person at the party.

Q12: Select the type of adjective:

June is hotter than July.

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