Selenium TestNG MCQ | TestNG MCQ

This mock test contains multiple choice questions. It is a free online self-assessment test on selenium and TestNG. Selenium interview preparation made easy for new aspirants. These mock test series consisting of a wide range of multiple-choice questions are designed to evaluate the self-performance of selenium and testng skills. Very useful in interviews and certification exam preparation.

Selenium TestNG Mock Test Series: 3

The test consists of 10 questions on selenium.

No negative marking for this test.

No Time limit

The pass percentage is 70%

The correct answer with a description will be displayed after the answer has been marked.

Submit the test to calculate your score once you are done with all the questions.

Complexity Level- Moderate

Q1: A method with '@BeforeMethod' annotation in a class will execute _____

Q2: A method with '@BeforeTest' annotation in a class will execute _______

Q3: Select all the correct attributes of @Test annotation:

Q4: If a test method failed, then its dependent method will ________

Select the correct answer:

Q5: A test method with attribute 'alwaysRun=true' will _________

Select the correct answer:

Q6: If no priority is set for the test methods then the execution order will be

Select the correct answer:

Q7: If @Test annotation is put at class level then ______ ?

Q8: If parallel attribute of a test suite in the testNG.xml file is set as 'methods' as below:


then? Select the correct statement:

Q9: If parallel attribute of a test suite in the testNG.xml file is set as 'methods' and the test methods also have priority attributes set for them, then: ?

Select the correct statement:

Q10: If a test method belongs to multiple groups and one of the groups is excluded from the testng.xml config file, then the execution of the test method will_______ ?

Quantitative aptitude - practice tests

A series of aptitude practice tests comprising multiple-choice questions (MCQ) on varied aptitude topics that evaluate the quantitative ability.