Cucumber interview questions - quiz | MCQs on Cucumber framework

12 MCQs (multiple-choice questions) on the Cucumber BDD framework. It is a free online self-assessment test covering basic interview questions on Cucumber. Also, check our series of MCQ tests and quizzes on selenium, testNG, and manual testing for self-assessment.


The test consists of 12 questions on cucumber and selenium.

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The pass percentage is 70%

The correct answer with a description will be displayed after the answer has been marked.

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Complexity Level- Easy

Q1: Cucumber is based on which framework?

Q2: Which of the below languages is used in Cucumber to describe the scenarios, behavior, and expected result of a feature?

Q3: Select all the valid Gherkin keywords that can be used in a feature file to define the application behavior:

Q4: A feature file in cucumber is used to ______

Select the correct answer:

Q5: Which of the following is true for a TestRunner class in cucumber?

Select the correct answer:

Q6: Which of the following is true for the Step Definition in cucumber?

Select the correct answer:

Q7: What is the use of the Background keyword in Cucumber?

Q8: What is the difference between 'Scenario' and 'Scenario Outline' in cucumber?

Q9: You can only have a single Feature in a .feature file.?

Select whether the statement is True or False:

Q10: Select all the statements that are valid for a 'Rule' in cucumber:?

Q11: Which of the following statements is true for JavascriptExecutor??

Select whether the statement is True or False:

Q12: Which WebDriver interface is used to locate a given frame or window?

Quantitative aptitude - practice tests

A series of aptitude practice tests comprising multiple-choice questions (MCQ) on varied aptitude topics that evaluate the quantitative ability.