CAT word list quiz - letter D

Quiz and MCQs on word list for CAT 2023. This section contains 15 MCQs on the letter D. Also, check other high-frequency word quizzes for CAT and GRE.


Topic- letter D quiz

The test consists of 15 questions.

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No Time limit

The pass percentage is 70%

The correct answer with a description will be displayed after the answer has been marked.

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Complexity Level- Moderate

Q1: Select the correct synonym for Dabble.

Q2: Select the correct synonym for Debunk

Q3: Select the correct synonym for Delineate.

Q4: Select the correct synonym for Defy.

Q5: Select the correct synonym for Destitute.

Q6: Select the correct synonym for Discern.

Q7: Select the correct synonym for Dearth.

Q8: Select the correct synonym for Dilapidated.

Q9: Select the correct synonym for Demean.

Q10: Select the correct synonym for Deride.

Q11: Select the correct synonym for Disseminate.

Q12: Select the correct synonym for Disgruntled.

Q13: Select the correct synonym for Denigrate.

Q14: Select the correct synonym for Delude.

Q15: Select the correct synonym for Decapitate.