Computer Fundamentals Quiz 4 | Computer basics - quiz 4

10 MCQ quiz questions on the basics of computers with explanations. Designed for engineering students to check their expertise in the basics of computers.


Topic- Computer fundamentals

The test consists of 10 questions.

No negative marking for this test.

No Time limit

The pass percentage is 70%

The correct answer with a description will be displayed after the answer has been marked.

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Complexity Level- Easy

Q1: The below code snippet is an example of:

public void func(){
for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
System.out.println("Hello world !!");

Q2: A cyber attack in which the cybercriminals pose as legitimate institutions, usually via email, to obtain sensitive information from targeted individuals

Q3: A type of malware that blocks a victim's data, files, devices, or systems, making them inaccessible and unusable until the attacker receives a ransom payment.

Q4: A type of software that unethically or without authorization steals a user's personal or business information ______

Q5: CISC and RISC are the types of _____

Q6: The number of cycles that the processor executes per second is called ______

Q7: A network of interrelated devices that connect and exchange data with each other is called _____

Q8: Saas stands for ______

Q9: PaaS stands for _____

Q10: 8086 is a _____

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Computer Fundamentals quiz 1
Computer Fundamentals quiz 2
Computer Fundamentals quiz 3