Cypress MCQ test on Assertions | Cypress quiz on Assertions

Check your expertise on cypress assertions by giving this free online MCQ test.

Cypress MCQ Test

Topic- Cypress Assertions

The test consists of 7 questions.

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The pass percentage is 70%

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Complexity Level- Moderate

Q1: Consider the below UI image:

Which of the following is the correct command for validating the title of the page (highlighted in green above) in Cypress?

Q2: Which of the below commands asserts that the element (below email field with locator - #ap_email) is visible?

Q3: Which of the below commands asserts that the given input field (with locator #twotabsearchtextbox) is empty?

Q4: Consider the below UI of an input text field:

What will be the output of executing the below command in Cypress?


Q5: Consider the UI of the below URL bar:

What will be the output of executing the below command in Cypress?

cy.url().should('eq', '')

Q6: Consider the UI of the below URL bar:

What will be the output of executing the below command in Cypress?

cy.url().should('contains', 'google')

Q7: Consider the below UI of an input text field:

What will be the output of executing the below command in Cypress?
