Grammar MCQ test on the usage of until and unless | Grammar quiz- Usage of until and unless

English grammar MCQ test and quiz on the usage of until and unless. Check your grammar by giving this online test that covers the topic - usage of until and unless.

English Grammar

Topic- Until and unless

The test consists of 12 questions.

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The pass percentage is 70%

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Complexity Level- Moderate

Q1: Neil will go bankrupt ________ he gives up on his gambling habit.

Q2: Peter refused to take a bath ________ the water geyser was fixed.

Q3: Paul lived with his parents ________ he was 17.

Q4: The celebration continued ________ the wee hours of the morning.

Q5: The bank would reclaim the plot ________ Paul made his loan payments.

Q6: You can't get admission to IIM ________ you have scored 99 percentile in the CAT exam.

Q7: I shall meet you on Friday ________ my relatives arrive.

Q8: Paul will not go to the party ________ his dog is allowed to accompany him.

Q9: Peter will quit his job ________ he gets a pay hike.

Q10: You can play outside _______ it gets dark.

Q11: The workers continued the strike ________ their demands were met.

Q12: Paul threatened to sue the car owner for the damages ________ the car owner agreed to compensate for the damages.