Java MCQ test - Type casting | Java Quiz on Type casting

Check your Java concepts on type casting with our free online Java test series. Evaluate type-casting concepts in Java by giving this online test that covers topics like narrowing and widening conversions, upcasting, downcasting, etc.

Java type casting MCQ test

Topic- Java - Type casting

The test consists of 11 questions.

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The pass percentage is 70%

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Complexity Level- Moderate

Q1: A type conversion in which the value of a narrower primitive data type is converted to a value of a broader primitive data type is called ________

Q2: A type conversion in which a broader primitive datatype is assigned to a narrower (smaller) data type is called ________

Q3: Assigning an int data type to a double data type will be considered as ________

Q4: Assigning a double type of data to an int type will be considered as _________

Q5: The conversions between reference types where super type gets converted to subtype are called _______

Q6: Casting between a primitive data type and a reference type is not permitted in Java.

Select whether the statement is true or false:

Q7: Boolean values can also be cast to other data values and vice versa:

Select True or False:

Q8: Assigning a broader datatype to a smaller datatype requires an explicit cast:

Select True or False:

Q9: What will be the output of the below java program?

class helloworld {

static int i;
static double d;

public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("i = "+i);

Q10: What will be the output of the below java program?

class helloworld {

static int i;
static double d;

public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("d = "+d);

Q11: What will be the output of the below program?

class suprClass {

int i=200;
public void suprFunc(){
System.out.println("value of i in super class = "+i);

class subClass extends suprClass{
int i=9;
public void suprFunc(){
System.out.println("value of i in sub class = "+i);

class demo{

public static void main(String[] args){
subClass subc = new suprClass();