Percentage MCQs for competitive exams

This section contains a quizlet of 12 basic (beginner level) MCQ questions on 'percentage' for competitive exams. Also, check a series of other MCQ quizzes on Quantitative aptitude.


Topic- Percentage

The test consists of 12 questions.

No negative marking for this test.

No Time limit

The pass percentage is 70%

The correct answer with a description will be displayed after the answer has been marked.

Submit the test to calculate your score once you are done with all the questions.

Complexity Level- Moderate

Q1: 50 is how much percent of 200?

Q2: 300 is how much percent of 800?

Q3: 60% of 400 is _____

Q4: The monthly wage of Peter increases from 15000$ to 20000$. How much is the percentage increase in monthly wage?

Q5: The stock price of a company decreases from 200$ to 150$. How much is the percentage decrease in the stock price?

Q6: The price of a stock dropped 20% to 150$. How much was the initial price?

Q7: A company's stock price jumps 10% to 300$. How much was the initial price?

Q8: An amount of 3000$ becomes four times in 4 years. How much is the percentage increase?

Q9: 1.19$ is what percent of 1.98$?

Q10: A number 3000 is what percent of 7000?

Q11: A number increased by 30% becomes 424. What was the number?

Q12: 4000 is ____% of 10000.

Percentage quiz - II

Percentage quiz - III

Percentage calculator