Quiz on java thread | Java thread MCQs

This section contains a quizlet on 'Java thread' with 13 MCQ questions. Also, check a series of other MCQ quizzes on Java and assess your proficiency in Java programming.


Topic- Java thread

The test consists of 13 questions.

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The pass percentage is 70%

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Complexity Level- Moderate

Q1: What is a thread in Java?

Q2: run() method in Java thread is used to ______

Q3: Implementing the Runnable interface is another way of ______

Q4: start() method in java thread is used to ______

Q5: setDaemon(true) will _____

Q6: Acquiring the lock of the object by a thread is a way of achieving ______

Q7: A condition in which a thread T1 waiting to acquire the lock held by T2, whereas the thread T2 is waiting to acquire the lock held by T1 is called ______

Q8: A thread executing in the Java virtual machine is in ______ state.

Q9: A thread that has not yet started is in ______ state.

Q10: A thread that has exited is in ______ state.

Q11: Thread.yield() is used to ____

Q12: A method or block declared as Synchronized can be accessed by only one thread at a time

Q13: Thread.sleep() is used to ____