Cypress MCQ Test | Cypress Interview Questions and Answers

Cypress is a next-gen front-end testing tool. It is most suitable for web applications that are built on javascript frameworks. This online test on cypress consists of 13 multiple-choice questions that will evaluate the people's expertise on Cypress.

MCQ questions and answers on Cypress testing tool

Topic- Cypress

The test consists of 13 questions.

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The pass percentage is 70%

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Complexity Level- Moderate

Q1:Cypress architecture is based on the _________

Q2: Select all the NodeJS based testing tools/frameworks:

Q3: What is the difference between .then() and .should() commands?

Q4: What is the difference between cy.get() and cy.contains() commands?

Q5: The default location cypress/fixtures in cypress contain _____

Q6: Hooks in cypress are used to ______

Q7: Which BDD framework's syntax is used by Cypress to structure the test?

Q8: What is the difference between cy.get() and .find() commands?

Q9: What action will be performed by the below command?

cy.contains('Recent Post')

Q 10: Which of the below statements is true for the below command?


Q11:Cypress comes with Automatic waiting.

Q12: Which of the following command is used in cypress to visit a remote URL?

Select the correct answer:

Q13: Cypress uses assertion libraries from _________: