Cypress questions for working professionals | Cypress MCQ questions

Free online test on cypress testing tool. This test consists of Multiple choice questions on Cypress for interview preparation. This is the third test from the Cypress MCQ test series for self-assessment. This online test on cypress consists of 7 multiple-choice questions that will evaluate the person's expertise on Cypress. You can access other tests here:

Cypress MCQ -1
Cypress MCQ -2

MCQ questions and answers on Cypress testing tool

Topic- Cypress

The test consists of 7 questions.

No negative marking for this test.

No Time limit

The pass percentage is 70%

The correct answer with a description will be displayed after the answer has been marked.

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Complexity Level- Moderate

Q1:What is wrong with the below cypress test?

describe('Actions', () => {

before(() => {

it('first test', () => {

it('second test', () => {

Q2: cy.mount() command is used in cypress for ________

Q3: Which initialization command is used in cypress for End to end testing?

Q4: Which initialization command is used in cypress for component testing?

Q5: What is wrong with the below cypress test?

describe('Actions', () => {

before(() => {

it('first test', () => {


Q6: The correct syntax for adding a custom command in cypress is ______

Q7: In the below cypress test, what should be the value of 'capture' (at line 10) so that the entire browser viewport, including the Cypress Command Log, is captured?

1. describe('Actions', () => {

2. before(() => {
3. cy.visit('')
4. })

5. it('first test', () => {

6. console.log(
7. cy.get('#nav-link-accountList').click()
8. cy.get('#createAccountSubmit').click()

9. Cypress.Screenshot.defaults({
10. capture: ' ',
11. })

12. cy.screenshot()

13. })

14. })

More tests on Cypress:
Getting started with Cypress
Cypress MCQ -1
Cypress MCQ -2